docrio45 (AT)
Photos Taken in the Vietnam War by Erasmo “Doc” Riojas and Others. Archieved at the UDT SEAL Museum
Chuck Newell and Erasmo “Doc” Riojas MyTho Vietnam 1967
In the Center DaiWi “Pete” Peterson photo by E. “Doc” Riojas but archieved at the UDT SEAL Museum with many others.
R.J. Thomas & Hunter F. Grimes III in Vietnam and he was the heavy (7.62MM M-60) machine gunner in my squad. I am carrying a Stoner 63A which was a linked (5.56MM) system with a hundred round drum magazine. SEAL Teams were the only military forces to be issued this weapon and it ultimately evolved into the Squad Automatic Weapon System (SAWS). I lost that Stoner when I was shot down in a Seawolf Helo while conducting a sniper recon. The third dude in the slouch hat is non other than Dick Moran. Ron Yeaw was our squad officer normally.
Best Regards, RJ Thomas
Ephraim Mattos
Jack Bryan Molden R.I.P.
1929 – 2017
Jack Bryan Molden and Carole B. Molden his wife
David Kawika Pa’a’aina
R.I.P. 1950 – 2018
David died at the Hilo Medical Center on Friday, June 1, 2018. He was born in Honolulu, HI. He is a retired U.S. Navy SEALSenior Chief Petty Ufficer and is a combat Veteran starting with the Vietnam War. He is survived by his: Companion, Debby Cutler of Kapoho, HI; Sons, David (Marlo) Pa’a’aina of FL and Aaron
(Michael Jordan) Pa’a’aina of Santa Rosa, CA;Daughter, Tiara Pa’a’aina of Lakewood, OH; Brother, Robert (Nalani) Miranda of Oahu.
Last Photo to Doc Rio from David PaAaina, Hilo Hawaii My you rest in peache my Brother. Aloha Doc, His passing, I believe, had much to do with the lava disaster. We were suddenly evacuated 1:30 am 5/30, no electricity all day, so only managed a couple prepacked boxes (meds/papers), the dog, a few treasures of my late dad and his late mom. We were both exhausted, but he insisted on going back next day, with his nephew, to try and get more belongings. He was exhausted and coughing when they got back to Hilo. But he said he was fine. He passed, peacefully, in his sleep though, 6/1 stroke/heart failure. (He had AFib, but was doing so much better with lifestyle changes recently.) Our home & most belongings were destroyed on 6/8, first fire, then lava. Once his kids went back to mainland, I wasn’t doing well without a home to retreat to, and old friends in CA flew me over to stay with them a while. Even blessed with good friends on the mainland and HI, I’m completely lost without him; he was my everything. But trying. My Papa Bear lived life to the fullest, and he helped me to be better about living in the moment. I’m so thankful for the 9 years we had together. ?? I will try to call you, in time. Doc you meant so much to him, too.
May he Rest in Eternal Peace in Frogman Heaven where someday all of us old timers will muster. Doc Rio David K. Paaaina
The Kanaka Maoli-or “native Hawaiian”-flag (right) is said to have been Kamehameha’s personal flag long before the modern Hawaiian flag. British navy Captain Lord George Paulet destroyed it when he took control of Hawaii for five months in 1843.
At the flag’s center is a green shield bearing a coat of arms, which include a kahili, the original Hawaiian royal standard, and two paddles, meant to represent the voyaging tradition of the Native Hawaiians. The flag’s color scheme is red, yellow and green, meant to represent different groups within Hawaiian society. The yellow is symbolic of the alii, the powerful royal class. Red represents the konohiki, the landed caste that served the alii. Green signifies the makaainana, or commoners.
Ray Tullas Sr.
1927 – 2018 R.I.P
James (Jim) Batton RIP
1927 – 2018
U.S. Navy SEAL
Brian Lippe RIP
1953 – 2018
Richard E. Cyrus.
I graduated from class 35 in Little Creek in 1965. I spent 2 years in UDT-22 before going to Seal Team 2 in 1967. From 67 to 71 was the fun time in Vietnam. AWARDS:
Silver Star, Navy/Marine Corps Life Saving Medal, Bronze Star with Combat “V”(three awards), Purple Heart (2 awards), Navy Commendation Medal with “V” (5 awards),Navy Achievment Medal, Combat Action Ribbon and Many Others.
richard cyrus r.ecyrus [at] yahoo DOT com DOT ph
to: docrio45 [at] gmail DOT com
date Sat, Jun 11, 2011
subject Up Date, Dick Cyrus from the P.I.
Rio, Well I am leaving for another job next week I just wanted to send you a couple of pictures from my last trip. I think I told you I am going to Sri Lanka to meet the ship. The company has rented a big house there for the team to live instead of renting hotels. This job is a 1 year contract. I think I am going to be the Team Leader for my group, as well as Instructor for all people in the company. I’ll talk to you before I go.
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March 4, 2011,
Patty Schwalenberg ,
Telephoned me yesterday with the news that Wally Schwalenberg died on Tuesday (I think). They were down in Mexico on a diving vacation and he had trouble breathing.
They got him up to the boat and he died en route to shore. Patty was very upset as should be expected and was working to get his body back to Wisconsin.
The service in next Tuesday in upstate Wisconsin. Patty asked me to take part in the service and of course I accepted. I’ve gotten ahold of Warmack & Brechtel and plan to email W.D.
If you can contact any others in class 35 please do.
That is all I know at this time.
Dick Pouliot
From: Chip Detmer <detmer [at} jeol DOT com>
To: wdusne9ret <wdusne9ret [at] aol DOT com>
Cc: chuck detmer, doc Rio <>
Sent: Sat, Mar 5, 2011
Subject: Son’s First Jump </>
Mr. WD, See below for the ‘Seal Story’ my father wanted to send you: Regards, Chip.
Son’s First Jump
A group of us SEALs from SEAL Team TWO were busy preparing our gear for a day of parachuting. While we were waiting for the aircraft to show up, one of the guys just back from dog handling school arrived on the scene. Our interest quickly focused on his dog, as his handler had him rigged out in a harness and intended to jump with him.
We all knew Army dogs were dropped by parachute, but we never had the opportunity to see the equipment up close. The harness fit firmly around the dog’s body, but head, tail and legs, were free to move normally. It had two clips located on the dog’s back, one just forward of the hind legs, the other right over the front legs. The clips would be attached to the rings at the handler’s waist that held his reserve parachute. The dog would hang from the handler’s middle, parallel to the ground.
After the handler’s parachute opened the two clips would be released, allowing the dog to drop on a line and dangle twenty feet below his handler. This lessened the chances either of them would be hurt when they hit the ground. We all noticed that the dog didn’t have a muzzle, and since we would share the close quarters of a bouncing, noisy airplane with a 95 lb. German Shepherd just back from Attack School, we all voiced our concern.
The handler just laughed and, hugging the dog, said “Son is just a big baby and wouldn’t hurt a flea unless I told him to.” As if on cue, Son visited each of us, licking and rubbing against us as if he understood our apprehension and wanted to quell our fears. We all felt much better, but decided… just to be polite, mind you… we’d let Son be last on and first out of the plane.
The plane arrived, and we all loaded aboard, eager to jump and to witness Son’s first jump. That dog was not at all bothered by the noise, dust, and fumes produced by the plane’s engines. He was just flat enjoying being one of the guys and, especially, being attached so closely to his handler. Son seemed to enjoy everything about the flight. Since he was closest to the open door, he got a good aerial view of Virginia as we gained altitude on our approach to the drop zone.
However, Son’s enjoyment changed first to concern, then to down right panic, when his foolish handler gotdangerously close to the open door. Trying to alert his handler, Son began to nipat him. With the drop zone right below us, the handler decided the best way to handle Son’s panic was to get out of the plane as quickly as possible. But, the harder the handler tried to get out the door, the more Son tried to prevent this disastrous mistake by biting, scratching, clawing, and I swear, going spread eagle to keep from fitting through the door. The more strenuous Son’s objections became, the better my imitation of wallpaper got.
Neither I, nor any of the other heroes onboard, were foolhardy enough to offer the handler any help. In fact, had the dog shot me a quizzical glance to find out whose side I was on…I’d have gone to scratching and biting that handler too. Finally, the handler, with one last desperate swipe,knocked the dog’s front feet free of the door, andboth tumbled out into space. The actions I’ve just described took only a few seconds, but I’m sure they seemed a lot longer to both dog and handler.
The rest of us quickly exited the plane, without incident, eager to see what would happen next. As we fell, we quickly maneuvered to get a look at how the dog was reacting to his jump. If Son acted relieved when his parachute opened, I missed it. I did see that after the handler disconnected the clip holding the dogs rear, each effort to release the remaining clip was repelled by a blur of teeth that made any battle I’d seen on “Wild Kingdom” seem as tame as a roll in the hay. Starting by disconnecting the tail clip turned out to be a big mistake: this put the biting end of that95 lb. bone grinder in the best position to defend what he thought was his last link with survival. Finally, despite bites and scratches, too many to count, the handler was able to drop Son to the twenty-foot line and finally have some relief from the panicked dog.
The handler was a sight: his clothes were in tatters, his hands bloody, and to add insult to injury, running down his uniform front was obvious evidence of the dog’s panic. Both dog and handler seemed relieved to be separated by the twenty-foot line and soothed by their gentle descent to the ground. The dog,of course, landed before his handler and shook himself in relief to have his feet finally planted firmly on the ground. The handler landed a second later and the dog seemed perfectly willing to forgive and forget. I watched a scene much like you’d see in a love story.
You know: two young lovers running toward each other her hair flowing, etc.. Just as the joyous reunion was about to take place, the parachute landed, covering them both, again panicking the dog and producing a final flurry of bites. Remarkably, despite all that had happened, it was only minutes before the bond between man and dog worked its magic, and Son and his handler were again completely enthralled with each other. The Handler was: Wally Swallenburg! Who went through UDTR Class #35 little Creek, VA. 1965 With myself and 23 other men.
By: Chuck Detmer
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Wally Schwalenberg
John Edward Gantley
January 2, 1947 – September 4, 2011
It is with great regret we inform the membership that Jack Gantley passed away Sunday night in his sleep. He had been suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) for nearly a year.
Following graduation from the United States Naval Academy in 1969 and a short stint in the fleet, Jack attended and graduated from Class 51 East Coast Training in 1971. From Platoon Commander at Underwater Demolition Team TWENTY-ONE and throughout his NSW career, Jack served in a myriad of leadership positions retiring as a Captain with 26 years after serving as Chief of the Strategic Planning and Guidance Division at United States Special Operations Command in 1995.
Jack continued his support of the Special Operations community following his military service as a government contractor supporting the SORDAC Combatant Craft Program.
Source: UDT-SEAL Assn
After 26 years of active duty, Jack retired as Chief, Strategic Planning and Guidance Division, S0j5, Unit Special Operations Command, at MacDill Air Force base. Jack was commissioned as an Ensign in 1969.
After serving on the USS Ogden he transitioned to Naval Special Warfare (NSW) by graduating Basic Demolition/Seal (Buds/s) Training in April 1971. As a Navy SEAL, Jack continued in that Warfare Specialty throughout his Naval Career, progressing through the ranks as Platoon Commander at UDT-Twenty-One, Assistant Officer in Charge Naval Inshore Warfare Task Unity Europe, and Operations Officer as Seal Team.
Captain Gantley served as Task Group Commander of Mobile Sea Bases in Operation “Earnest Will” the Northern Persian Gulf in the late 1980s. Captain Gantley’s decorations include Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Commendation Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Vietnam Service Ribbon with One Star, Navy and Marine Corp Overseas Ribbon with Two Stars, among many others.
After his retirement from the Navy, Jack was a consultant at the United States Special Operations Command for 13 years, developing, resourcing and fielding combatant maritime crafts for the Country’s Special Operations Forces.
John Edward Gantley
Insider: What would you want America to know about being a part of a Navy SEAL family?
Jenna: That they are so honorable and they are so courageous and they are unwavering in how they feel about the country. It’s one of the things that really attracted me to Leif because if there’s one thing he is sure about, it’s that he is willing to die for the country. That type of integrity, you just don’t find. I would say that that’s the thing everyone needs to know – they really are as good as you think they are, they really are.
Jenna Lee and Leif Babin
NSW-SEALs Ride Across
“” Naval Special Warfare Command Six riders set out from Coronado yesterday and are heading 3,300 miles to the Muster at the The National Navy UDT SEAL Museum in November. They are raising awareness for the NSW Foundation.
Six bike riders were sent off in a ceremony for a Naval Special
Warfare Foundation charity bike ride in Coronado, Calif., Sept. 26, 2010.
Good luck!
Watch the brief Video:
SEAL Bikers Ride Across America
I think the real importance of our last six weeks was to draw attention to naval special warfare and their ambition to provide tragedy assistance to families of Seals killed in action and to our wounded Seal brothers,” said retired Navy Seal Michael Badger.
Elizabeth “Liz” Logan & Jan Albertie
The President of the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum awarded them the 2010 Distinguished Achievement Award.
Liz and Jan are volunteers as Naval Special Warfare researchers and historians. They researched, compiled and validated the database of the warriors names for the UDT-SEAL Memorial to the fallen warriors.
Nov 6, 2010 Ft. Pierce FL UDT-SEAL Museum
Rolf Snyder, Marketing/Media Director, UDT SEAL Museum– Hailing from Leawood, KS, Rolf is the Museum’s resident Jayhawk! As Marketing and Media Director, Rolf is responsible for the Museum’s advertising, public & media relations, and marketing strategy. His work includes Corporate Development, E-Net, Public Affairs, Muster Planning, Theme-ing, Photography, and in-house Counsel. He also provides the staff with free, up to the minute, updates on everything KU Basketball related.
After studying at the University of Bonn in Germany, Rolf graduated from the University of Kansas, with BAs in German and Psychology. After taking some time off to work, Rolf returned to University of Kansas where he earned his law degree and MBA. Upon graduation, Rolf accepted a job in Wiesbaden, Germany and then attended the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce in Clermont-Ferrand, France where he received his MIM. Rolf is also an alumni of The Hague Academy of International Law in The Hague,Netherlands. Currently, Rolf is also the IT Director for the National World War One Museum, President of Real Estate Corporation, Inc., President of Global Perspectives Advisory Group, and a practicing attorney.
Past, present, possible future SEALs celebrate 25th annual muster
Members of SEAL Team 18 return to land after releasing the ashes of fallen SEALs into the ocean during a ceremony in Fort Pierce, Fla., Nov. 7.
On a brisk November day, two Humvees speed into an open field as two MH-60 helicopters swiftly approach an empty lot nearby. The MH-60s pause and hover 40 feet above the concrete as a thick rope is dropped out the door. Several SEALs begin fast-roping out of the choppers and ducking for cover one by one. Suddenly, the sound of gunfire fills the air while helicopter propellers blow gusts of sand into SEALs faces. Bodies of what appear to be terrorists drop to the ground, and thousand of people cheer.
This may sound like a Special Operations mission in Afghanistan, but in reality, it was a demonstration by members of SEAL Team 18 from Little Creek, Va., who showcased their Special Warfare capabilities to a crowd of more than 5,000 service members and civilians at the 25th Annual National UDT-SEAL Museum Muster at Fort Pierce, Fla., Nov. 6.
The demonstration was just one of many special events that took place at the weekend muster, which is open to the public and draws thousands of active military members, dependents, retirees and interested onlookers from the local community and beyond.
FROM: Rick Woolard wrote: On Wed, Nov 24, 2010
Doc Riojas,
After looking at the photos on your site, people may be wondering why the bagpipe is often played at SEAL ceremonies. The reason is simple: SEALs are warriors and pipe music is warrior music.
The sound of the pipes makes men brave. If the piper’s good enough, it also makes women sentimental, kids dance, and babies sleep…but that’s another story.
The pipes were played in battle by the Scots (also the Irish, to some extent) for centuries, first in the days of the Highland clans, then in the British army. As a force multiplier, pipers in British and Commonwealth regiments played in combat around the world. When it was time to go to work, up front was their traditional place. At Waterloo while being charged by French cavalry, Piper MacKay stepped outside a British square so everyone could see and hear him while he played a few tunes to keep everyone’s spirits up. Team guys can see his in-your-face logic. At Dargai in one of Britain’s Afghan Wars, Piper Findlater led the charge and continued playing after being shot through both legs. This earned him a Victoria Cross. Several other pipers have also received this award.
Their casualties were high. In World War One, 1000 pipers were killed. It looked like they might run out of pipers, so the British War Office officially prohibited them from playing in battle. But in World War Two Piper Bill Millin played the troops ashore on D-Day anyhow and the sound of the pipes was heard in various battles in the European theater. Urgent request to HQ from a British infantry commander in heavy contact with Nazi troops: “Send four tanks or one piper!”
Nowadays Scottish and Canadian regiments fighting alongside our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq have pipers whose combat role is often machine gunners, but they break out their pipes for various other occasions. I know some unofficial American pipers are there too.
I learned the pipes as a kid but did not play much on active duty due to time constraints. After I retired, the wars came, our brothers died, and I was asked to play at SEAL memorial services and funerals. It has been my sad honor to do this over 40 times so far. Other pipers, SEALs among them, do this for our fallen as well.
When the UDT-SEAL Association and the UDT-SEAL Museum asked me to play at Reunions and Musters I was honored to do it. Many pipers feel they need to dress in full Scottish military dress uniform. For a guy who spent 30 years in the Teams, it seems wrong to wear the ceremonial uniform of a soldier from another country, so I wear civilian clothes or the cammies I wore when I retired. Besides, it’s not about the piper’s appearance; it’s how well he plays the music.
Like many other traditions that come from elsewhere, pipes are now an American custom, too. There is even a tune specifically for SEALs; its title is “The USN SEALs March”. It was composed in 1993 by a well-known piper in Scotland to honor his SEAL friends at the Naval Special Warfare Unit in Machrihanish. It’s a good tune and I play it every chance I get.
Rick Woolard, CAPT, USNavy SEAL, Retired
MORE Muster PICTURES HERE! Keep checking back as I will be adding more as I receive them from the folks that attended the Muster 2010.
Follow their adventure from Michigan to California down to FL.
October 4, 2010 4:07 PM
Travis Manion and Brendan Looney were roommates at the naval academy and became as close as brothers. One became a Marine stationed in Iraq, the other, a Navy Seal in Afghanistan. Both have died and were laid to rest side-by-side in Arlington’s National Cemetery. David Martin reports.
Read more:
—– Original Message —–
From: Dave Bodkin
To: Erasmo Riojas
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 7:53 PM
Subject: Fw: Re: Video Kaloki’s Photo’s Gday Rio I finally got some pic’s of Kaloki head your way!! Check out Ay! Hope to make the Muster this fall if the Doc’s can fix my main Aorta Valuve !
All the best
Craig E. Dorman
CRAIG E. DORMAN (Chairman) was previously Director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and is now serving as Deputy Director, Research and Engineering, for Laboratory Management in the Department of Defense.
He spent 26 years in the U.S. Navy, retiring with the rank of Rear Admiral after serving as Program Director for Antisubmarine Warfare of the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command. He also served on underwater demolition teams and as a U.S. Navy SEAL. His distinguished military career includes the honors of Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, and Navy Commendation and Achievement Medals, among others.
Dr. Dorman serves on numerous advisory boards (including the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Board of Trustees), has served on the National Research Council (NRC) Ocean Studies Board, and currently serves on the NRC Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate.
Dr. Dorman received his B.S. (geography) from Dartmouth College, an M.S (oceanography) from the Navy Postgraduate School, and a Ph.D. in oceanography from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Joint Program.
Scott Danielson PO2 (SEAL) RIP
While training off the coast of Virginia Beach, VA, Scotty was in a small boat that capsized when hit by a large wave in a winter storm on Thursday Feb. 22, 2001. When mustered back together, head count was one short. When his body was recovered it was discovered that he suffered a broken neck. Anyone that knew him would describe him as funny and the kind of guy that would do anything for a teammate. He was also a hell of a point man in the Teams. Dates of service: 1992 to 2001
—– Original Message —–
From: Joe Hunter
To: doc rio
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 9:49 AM Subject:
Re: UDTR picture
The class number is 36, UDTR Class 36. If you were in Key West during the summer of 1966, I was there. Sorry, I do not remember you, but there are few Instructers I remember.
The one’s I do remember are the one’s that made my life hell. One that I will not forget is Fraley. He pushed me all the time on the runs. I was not a fast runner and he enjoyed getting in front of me and smoke that big cigar.
One time he got in front of me and told me to grab and hold on to his shirt. When I did, he took off running and towed me 100 yards in front of the group. He then told me if the group caught up to me, he would have my ass. That was enough incentive for me! When we crossed the ditch into the training area in Rosy Roads, the group was only about 10 yards behind me.
He still had my ass though. It really bothered me when I learned he was killed.
Hershel Davis was my swim buddy and I towed him a lot when he got cramps on those long swims. We were neighbors in little Creek, great guy, say hello to him for me. Damn I liked that guy.
Joe Hunter
Doc Riojas,
The truth is that I never received a letter directly electronica, which only send to the pool of frogs. You agra’dezco which I’ve communicated with my dear friend, frog; Hondurena, Eddie Padgett. Erasmus, you’re very creative in your website. You have much talent. Erasmus, It looks like your military career you ‘taught a lot of life. For sure it has not been easy.
I, on the one hand, always consider medicine; moreover, sycologia and justice .. With a view toward the (FBI) That’s right, as I envolvi, with the seafaring infantry / reconnaissance battalion strength, then, via buds / frogs fighters.
23JUNE2011 This email was cleaned by emailStripper, available for free from
Operation Just Cause Panama
Special Operations.Com
A retired Navy SEAL, who was apart of a secret combat operation more than 35 years ago, received the medal of valor. Lt. Moki Martin never spoke about the operation and now we are hearing how he saved lives while risking his own.
Chapter Meeting Come and join the First UDT-SEAL Association “North Texas Chapter”
event hosted by Roger & Debra GUERRA and Bill Holloway and John Ware
What: “North Texas Chapter” Get together and meeting
When: October 25, 2008
4:30 PM (Notice its PM not AM)
Where: Greater Fort Worth Area @
2112 Chaparral Rd Azle, TX76020
email me or telephone: rdguerra [at]
Hey Guys, Gals, and Kids, With the help of Bill Holloway and John Ware we will host your First “North Texas Chapter” meeting up here at my house in the country at Azle, TX. So, lookin forward to seeing all you Frogs & SEALs within shoutin distance!!! This should be a great time and good ole Texas get together for our first meeting and family event. Anyway, for our first meet, I’ll cook burgers and provide beer & soft drinks for $10 per couple please RSVP (important for food ordering). If you’re coming stag, it’s only $5 a head.
I want our first meet to be economical enough that everyone makes it and find out what we want to do from this point on. I live between Fort Worth and Azle, TX and the address is above. If you want to bring a covered dish, please call me and we’ll figure something out! Covered dishes are great surprise foods that are usually fantastic and taste great.
We have a pool so kids can swim if they so desire, and so can the adults if you still remember how, this time it’s not mandatory. I personally swim like a gaftop that had a quarter pounder dropped on him (you know laying on its side).
There are several hotels within shoutin distance on the west and northwest side of Fort Worth. Cowtown (north side) is 20 minutes from me for the really hearty! We’ll start at 4:30 and go till someone yells uncle, so it could be a long night (we got a lot of meetin, greetin, and catching up to do!). I’ll recover on Sunday with a strong sermon if any one is interested! I received a good response in putting this group together and hope most of you can make it. There’s a lot of team members not in the UDT-SEAL Association that hopefully participate and our welcome, this is about the Brotherhood so we’ll see.
Bring your smiling faces and any ole Team related photos so we can all laugh and have some fun. Anyway, please respond by Oct 15 so we can finalize plans and have enough food and drink to accommodate everyone.
Looking forward to seeing you all,
Roger and Debra Guerra
/udt21201969_small.jpg” alt=”udt21201969.jpg” width=”378″ height=”170″>
UDT-21, Captain Stanley “Pete” MestonFROM: Roger Guerra: Most of that memory is beered away but here goes with my best effort….. 1st row squated L-R Steve Dudley, don’t know , isn’t the last guy Pat Morgan?
1st row standing L-R Chief Schmidt, 3d man LTjg Ridgeway 6th man-Stan Meston, 8th man Drew Bissett
2nd row standing L-R 2nd man -Chief Janecka, 5th man was our Corpman Doc—???
1st row enlisted L-R, 2nd man Pierre Ponce, 3rd man- Keith Payne, 5th man- Red Hunter, 8th man- Jim Swatzell
2nd row enlisted-L-R 6th “man” —yours truly
3rd row enlisted L-R, Winters, 7th man-Bill Sweeney
4th row enlisted, L-R 3rd man Dennis Berger (?) not sure but it looks like him, 7th man-Al Grills.?, last man on row looks like Jimmy Allgeier (pretty sure, but I thought he was in med)
Last row – L-R 4th man-Joe Hunt
If I remember any more names I’ll get them to you but you might blast out and see if we can get any help!
Thanks Amigo!
ADDENUM: OK, one more, first row standing, L-R, 3rd man- LTJGRidgeway (he signed my discharge papers.) Need…..more….beer….to…recall, ……must …..get …..liquid…..refreshment…..
Another ADDENUM: First row standing correction: L-R 3rd man, Lt May?, 4th man- LtJG Barbata, 5th man-Lt Ridgeway and the last man in that row I believe is Chief Manard?
My NOTE: I am sure more to come?
Please email me more names: docrio45 [at] Thank you.
USS Michael Murphy
Navy Secretary Names New Guided-Missile Destroyer USS Michael Murphy
Secretary of the Navy Donald C. Winter announced today at a ceremony in Lake Ronkonkoma , N.Y. , the name of the newest Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer will be Michael Murphy. Designated as DDG-112, the name honors Lt. Michael Murphy who was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions during Operation Red Wing in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005. Navy SEAL (Sea, Air, Land) Lt. Michael P. Murphy lead a four-man team tasked with finding a key Taliban leader in the mountainous terrain near Asadabad, Afghanistan, when they came under fire from a much larger enemy force with superior tactical position. Mortally wounded while exposing himself to enemy fire, Murphy knowingly left his position of cover to get a clear signal in order to communicate with his headquarters. While being shot at repeatedly, Murphy calmly provided his unit’s location and requested immediate support for his element. He returned to his cover position to continue the fight until finally succumbing to his wounds. Michael Murphy will be one of the U.S. Navy’s most advanced, state-of-the-art warships in the fleet. With the combination of Aegis, the vertical launching system, and advanced anti-submarine warfare system, advanced anti-aircraft missiles and Tomahawk cruise missiles, the Arleigh Burke-class continues the revolution at sea. Utilizing a gas turbine propulsion system, Michael Murphy will be able to operate independently or as part of carrier strike groups, surface action groups, amphibious ready groups, and underway replenishment groups. Michael Murphy will be the 62nd Arleigh Burke-class destroyer. The 9,200 ton ship is being built by Bath Iron Works, a General Dynamics Company and will be 509.5 feet in length, have a waterline beam of 59 feet, a crew size of 323 (23 officers and 300 enlisted) and she will make speed in excess of 30 knots |
Roger Clapp was an officer at ST-1 and ran the Armory for part of the time when I was there. He is now the Naval Special Warfare Center Command Historian. He has an office at the Coronado training center and has access to the Navy’s version of the database which is far more extensive than mine. The Navy’s database includes ALL of the WWII guys (mine only goes from 1947 to the present day), and Roger can actually look up the training records on anyone who was in BUD/S… whether they successfully graduated, or they were dropped for failure to meet performance qualifications, or they were medically dropped, or they quit.
Steve Robinson
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Pete Wikul last saw his father at the age of 8, on a street corner in his native Harlem. “He was a heroin addict,” Wikul said Friday. “It was on West 140th Street. Either the cops or the Mafia came for him. I was never sure which.”
Mi Vida Loca – Copyright ©1998 – All Right Reserved email:
Folks are asking Doc Riojas “how to find a picture” on