SNAPFISH: By : Roy Dean Matthews ; Erasmo “Doc” Riojas and Glen Grinnage PLEASE email doc Rio if you have problems viewing these pictures so he can help you access them. Thanks docrio45 [at] gmail DOT com,REP/s_cmpg=sem_google_brand_exact#state=%7B%22pl%22%3A%7B%22uc%22%3A1%2C%22sb%22%3A1%2C%22yr%22%3A%5B2011%2C2011%5D%7D%2C%22ovm%22%3A%7B%22v%22%3A%22s%22%7D%7D
EMAIL ME: to get the password to enter my files.
and on:
GOOGLE: By : Roy Dean Matthews ; Erasmo “Doc” Riojas and Glen Grinnage
More pictures here on the WWW. HoChiMinh City, Vietnam
You may have to sign in with my email as name:
NAME: docrio45 [at] gmail DOT com
PASSWORD: email me at : docrio45 [at] gmail DOT com for the password.
I don’t want to post it and have some unkind person delete the fotos.
Thank you very Much,
Doc Rio
A Look Back at Vietnam: Many large ‘nam photos, do visit this page?!
Horst Faas (R.I.P.) took in 1966 in Bao Trai, South Vietnam
Horst Faas Vietnam 5689